After divorce, seeing your ex with a new partner or date is a pivotal moment. It can stir up lots of emotions and you may even be jealous of your ex dating someone else and be confused by that: He actually started dating someone who was another parent at our school and our children are friends. A lot of people want that to be a big drama but I noticed a change in his behavior … [Read more...]
Wisdom From Divorce: Were You Meant To Be Single?
When some people get divorced it makes them question the whole concept of marriage. It might even have you wondering if you were always meant to be single: I know blended families work for some people but I look at the problems they have and I don't want to ever deal with that. I feel like I was meant to be single. ~ April April was with her ex for seven years although they … [Read more...]
Wisdom From Divorce: Having The Best Stuff Is Not What’s Important
There's always less money after divorce. Adjusting to the new reality is not just about cutting back on your spending. It's about embracing that having the best stuff is not what' s important in life: Financially, it was very tight but that was OK. What's more important is authenticity and putting that value on living your best life, not having the best stuff. ~ Suzy Divorce … [Read more...]
Wisdom From Divorce: Discovering What Life’s Really About
There are no guarantees in life. We all know that and that 's perhaps why sometimes we cling so hard to what we know. Yet, sometimes it's letting go of everything that leads to discovering what life's really about: On a good note, I'm now happily in love which I never knew what that felt like. The contrast is like "Oh my God, now I'm living." I'm not stressed, I laugh easily … [Read more...]
Wisdom From Divorce: Are You Miserable In Your Marriage?
Nobody expects a marriage to be awesome all the time. We've all been told you have to work at your marriage and that there are good times and bad but what happens when you realize you're miserable in your marriage? The thought of being like my mom and being miserable in a marriage and being a miserable, mean mother outweighed facing motherhood as a single parent. ~ Ann Ann … [Read more...]