It's hard for spouses to parent well together when they have serious conflicts about other aspects of their lives together. Divorce can change that dynamic and for the better. Here's Megan: I believe two happy parents apart are better than two miserable people together. Megan got married when she was twenty-two and expecting. Her and her husband had a second child together … [Read more...]
Wisdom From Divorce: Proud To Be You
Divorce has a way of turning your world upside down and can really shake your confidence. It may take a while but if you take it step-by-step, you will find your way: I've come to realize I can do very well on my own and I don't need a man. I feel good and comfortable and I'm proud I can be the person I am. Kay and her husband had been married for twenty-five years when he … [Read more...]
Wisdom From Divorce: Choosing What To Keep From Your Marriage
Changing your name after divorce might seem like a straightforward decision but there's lots to consider. Some women feel that their last name, even though it was their husband's, is a core part of their identity and it isn't something that can be easily changed. Other women see the name as another facet of the marriage, almost separate from them. I don't want to keep his … [Read more...]
Wisdom From Divorce: Accepting What Is
On-going conflict between former spouses can result in very challenging situations, some in which there are no good answers. Relief may come in accepting that whatever it is, it is temporary: My ex used religion to alienate my children against me. Even though they don't want to be with me, the relationship I have is only love because I have learned to accept and surrender to … [Read more...]
Wisdom From Divorce: Keeping It All Together
Divorce often means living alone, or being the only adult in a house with children. It's no mean feat. My biggest accomplishment was basically keeping it all together on my own. I had never been on my own before. I had lived with my parents, had roommates when I left and was going to college and shortly after that I was married and had a husband. This quote came from Suzanne … [Read more...]