It was Lisa's boyfriend who finally said enough to her ex's harassment. It was him who came and helped her pack up her home and move to D.C. While he was obviously a tower of strength for Lisa, his presence was greeted by hostility from her children, especially her daughter adding to her parenting after divorce woes. Here's Lisa: It was a little less than a year after I … [Read more...]
Dating After Divorce: Know Your Strengths
I'm currently participating in a one-on-one dating advice coaching program. The goal of the program is to prepare me to start dating, for me to feel confident about dating and to enjoy dating. We're not even halfway through the program and I'm already feeling much more comfortable about dating. My work this past week was about knowing my strengths. Knowing my Strengths This … [Read more...]
Grown Up Dating Is Different
You know how it is when you start a new activity or interest? You start to notice the topic coming up more and more. Maybe you see more reports about "it" on the news or you hear your friends talking about "it." Sometimes it is a true increase in awareness about a particular topic but often times it's you being more attuned to the topic. Well, that's what's been happening to me … [Read more...]
Reader Question: Should you talk to your ex about dating?
I recently got this question from a reader: My counselor asked if my ex and I, who have been divorced for about 8 months, had discussed how we would handle dating with the kids. That's a conversation I couldn't even imagine having! How would you even open the discussion? Since I have not dated yet, it's not a topic I've broached with my ex and he hasn't raised it with me, … [Read more...]
Finding Your Pilot Light Lover After Divorce
Cathy was another lady I interviewed very early on in this project and I wanted to share her story again because it is another story of hope. Cathy was with her husband for twenty-nine years and says it was a troubled marriage from the start. Over the years, she built a protective cocoon around herself and shut herself down both emotionally and sexually. When we spoke, Cathy … [Read more...]