A challenge for many parents after divorce is that there isn’t one parents’ guide to divorce that covers it all. In my opinion, there never will be. It’s simply not possible.
That’s because there are so many factors that influence parenting after divorce, such as number of children, their ages, their interests, their health needs, your culture, your religion, your ex’s parenting style, and so on, that the combinations are limitless. While guides and programs can cover specific conditions or situations it’s up to us to figure out what works for our particular family.
I do believe parents know their children, and each other best and that makes parents the best decision-makers. It also means that we, as parents, are the biggest determinant of the impact our divorce will have on our children. The following graphic has eight strategies for helping your child. Clearly, your child will do best if both you and your ex can embrace these, but if your ex isn’t on board with these, following them yourself can still make a difference to your child and to the relationship you have with your child.
Source: BestMastersInCounseling.com