Some years ago, I was serving on a non-profit board and was doing my best to persaude a local storeowner to donate to our silent auction. A customer overheard our conversation and started saying how much she loved and appreciated the organization and that she would be happy to donate a copy of her book along with an hour of one-on-one time. The customer was Rachel Snyder and her book was Words of Wisdom for Women (Barnes & Noble/Fall River Press). Since that day, our paths have crossed on several occasions and it’s always been a pleasure. Rachel is a woman of many talents – writer, speaker, city councilwoman, agent of change, community organizer.
I heard from Rachel recently that she’s launched a new blog and when I hopped over to visit her, the post was Oh! Re! Me! Refuse, Remember, Restore. Each of those words captures a part of the transition I’ve been through in the last couple of years and I think have meaning for any woman who’s faced divorce.
To add to Rachel’s words of wisdom, here’s my two cents worth …
Refuse – to accept life as it is, if you’re not happy and refuse to accept people treating you in ways you wouldn’t treat others.
Remember – no one knows what’s best for you better than you – but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t bounce ideas off your friends. Remember different perspectives always help clarify a situation.
Restore – the harmony and balance to your life. This is a constant and right now – the month of May when the school year ends – everything goes crazy and I don’t who wishes school was over more – me or my kids! After the rush of year end projects, activities and concerts, I look forward to the change of pace summer vacation brings.
Do these words hold meaning for you? When you hear refuse, remember, restore, what do they bring to your mind?