I’ve always enjoyed traveling – going new places, visiting friends, getting away, however, if I’m traveling on my own or with the kids, I get nervous about driving in unfamiliar places. When I was married, it was always a team effort – my ex would invariably drive and I would read the map, which I enjoy doing. So driving myself when traveling is another adjustment I’m having to make since my divorce.
Last week I traveled back to Connecticut to attend a memorial service and that entailed flying into either Hartford or LaGuardia. While flying into Hartford would have meant a much more straightforward drive to my destination, the flights were more than twice the price. That left LaGuardia and that made me nervous because I’d be getting in late at night, I’d be driving on my own – no navigator – and it would be easy to get lost.
When I arrived at the check-in desk, I took off my sunglasses and looked for my regular glasses – rummaging around in my pocket book, I could find my old glasses – the ones that are great for working at the computer and reading but I couldn’t find the others – the ones that are good for driving at night. Panicking that I wouldn’t be able to read the road signs well-enough, that sealed the deal and at the car rental I got a car with a GPS.
After one of the attendants had shown me how to use it, which was simple, I was off. I LOVED IT! It made me feel so comfortable, so secure that I wouldn’t get lost. Granted, it didn’t help me avoid the traffic jams because of the road works but I could live with that. With the spoken directions, I couldn’t go wrong. Now I’m a convert. This is one piece of technology I’m putting in the “need” category as opposed to “want.” For me, I know it’ll add to my sense of independence and freedom.
More than that, my daughter’s about to start driving soon and I’m thinking it’s definitely a gadget I’d like her to have – I’ll be so much more comfortable especially when she’s driving at night in unfamiliar places. I did start doing a quick search for portable systems – the choice is a little overwhelming and it looks like it’s going to take a little research to find the best one.
So if you have any recommendations on particular brand or model please comment. What about other gadgets – anything else that has helped you to feel independent and self-sufficient after your divorce?