In yesterday's post about Susan, she shared how and why she and her husband are separated but not divorced. One of my first questions about this was what about the money? How do they work out child support? Turns out that Susan does get something akin to child support but she's also trained as a CNA and started her own business since their separation. Here's Susan: My ex has … [Read more...]
Juggling Career And Family After Divorce
Adjusting to a new financial reality after divorce was what Buck$ome Boomer (@Bucksome) remembered as being the hardest aspect of her divorce. Another hard one? Managing your career. Here's Buck$ome: When you have sole responsibility of your kids, it is really hard career-wise because I felt I was always juggling to get ahead at work so I could make more money to provide for … [Read more...]
Colonics lead to a new life after divorce
When Mardell listened to her inner voice, she found the key to turning her life around after divorce. It was colonics - they not only helped Mardell recover from the spinal injury inflicted by husband #2, they were also the foundation to what is today a flourishing business. Here's Mardell: The same voice that told me I needed to do colonics, persisted and said, "You … [Read more...]
Transforming Your Life After Divorce
One of my favorite questions to ask during interviews is "what do you consider to be your most significant accomplishment since getting divorced?" Sometimes, the answer is a new skill, like learning to tow a ski-boat or starting a whole new career. Other times, it's along the lines of "I survived divorce" or being able stand on your own two feet.When I asked April this … [Read more...]
From Divorce To Happiness
During her marriage, Kristi and her husband had their own business. When she left their marriage, she also left the business and she is now doing something completely different - working as a divorce coach. (See The Divorce Encouragist for what is a divorce coach ). Kristi (@DivorceToHappy) has her own website and blog - Divorce to Happiness and says setting up the website is … [Read more...]