Swati's daughter is about ten now and Swati's new husband has a sixteen-year-old and a twenty-two-year-old. Swati's daughter lives with them almost all the time while her husband's youngest comes to stay every two or three weeks. His eldest daughter is away at college. I asked Swati what tips she and her husband had for creating a happy blended family. Here's Swati: I have a … [Read more...]
Adjusting To Life As A Single Parent
For some people, divorce is the culmination of a slow, gradual move apart and they will tell you that divorce didn't have a huge impact on their daily life. For others, divorce is a dramatic, sudden change creating a seismic shift in daily life. Being a single parent, with full custody of a very young child makes that shift even more challenging and as Swati's shares here, we … [Read more...]
Becoming A Single SAHM
Megan was a SAHM to her three children before divorce and for the eighteen months since she and her husband separated, she's been able to continue as a stay-at-home mom. However, as a single mom now, that has meant making some changes to her activities recognizing that when there's only one parent at home, you simply can't keep doing it all. Here's Megan: People used to ask … [Read more...]
A Child Of Divorce
While Megan feels her children have adapted well to her divorce, she knows she has to be alert to emotions hiding below the surface. She knows that because she is a child of divorce. Here's Megan: I was three when my parents divorced. My mom was married less than a year later and has been married for twenty-five years now. And I have no memories, no resentment, so I do … [Read more...]
Children May Adapt To Divorce Better Than You
Megan has been divorced for six months and separated for about a year previous to that. Her three children are young - eight, five and three. How children cope with a divorce is always a concern, no matter how old they are - Evvy's children were adults when her divorce caused them to reassess their childhood. Two influencing factors are the amount of change and how the parents … [Read more...]