The marital home is often one of the biggest, most significant and emotional decisions in a divorce and financial blogger Suzanne Cramer encourages people to look at it objectively, with full knowledge of all the costs associated with that decision. This month, Suzanne is back with more solid guidance on one way of boosting your income so you can afford to stay in your home: … [Read more...]
Tough Decision After Divorce: Rent or Own
In last month's guest post, financial expert Suzanne Cramer shared the lowdown on refinancing - something that many divorcing couples have to do if one partner is keeping the marital home and has to buy out their partner. Before you get to that stage though, deciding whether you should own your home or rent should be a conscious decision and there's much to consider. Here's … [Read more...]
Should I Or Shouldn’t – Refinance That Is …
You’ve decided to keep your marital home after your divorce or maybe you went out on your own and purchased a new home. Depending on when you purchased your home you may be left with a less than desirable interest rate, or maybe you have some debt hanging over your head you would like to pay off with a home refinance. How do you know if now’s the time or if refinancing is … [Read more...]
Stretching Dollars When You Have To
The reality for most of us after divorce is that there is always less money and often times less means not enough. This month's guest post from money expert Suzanne Cramer tackles this tough situation: You’re responsible. You’ve always saved your money, paid your bills, held down a good job. You’ve made a budget and stuck to it—and if you splurged now and then, you were … [Read more...]
Still at Stay-At-Home Mom After Divorce
When asked, one of the first pieces of divorce advice I offer, is to develop a plan for financial self-sufficiency. That's a bigger deal for some people, such as stay-at-home-moms, people who've been out of the work force for some time or people working for minimum wage but there's almost always less money after divorce and it's always an adjustment. Even when there is a legal … [Read more...]