In Being who you are after divorce, T talks about being free to discover who you are after divorce and not needing approval from someone to try something new. One of the areas of discovery for T was her sexuality because she was raised to believe that the only man she was supposed to have sex with was her husband. Now she believes that not having a husband doesn't mean not … [Read more...]
Introducing your kids to your boyfriend after divorce
In Through divorce to extreme happiness, interviewee Kristen shared how she'd found a new partner after her divorce but hasn't introduced him yet to her two young daughters. Our current interviewee, T, also has a new beau - she refers to him as Rascal and often mentions him her blog, the Quest for T. T's daughters at eight and four are older than Kristen's and T recently … [Read more...]
Through divorce to extreme happiness
When I interviewed Kristen and asked her what she would say was her most significant accomplishment since getting divorced, she said, "finding extreme happiness." Before she told me what that was though, she told me about her marriage and her decision to end the marriage. She told me she was glad she made that decision because now she was definitely happy - so what's the key … [Read more...]
It’s Just A Date
For the last in this series of posts about Jolene, I asked about dating. You might recall that Jolene had been with her ex for about ten years and it's now almost a year since they separated. Since they had no children I was not surprised by Jolene's answer. *** I have jumped into the dating frenzy. I signed up in July and I've gone on a few dates. It's been … [Read more...]
Introducing your new love to your children
Twice-divorced, thrice-married Kim Katz is most proud that through her romantic ups and downs she has maintained a steady home for her children. Her children come first and that's a priority that's held true even when she found love again. *** When I was dating my second husband, I was very concerned about how to introduce him to my daughter - when was the appropriate time, … [Read more...]