Today, I'm wrapping up my series about Lora and for me, this is the most powerful part of her story. Lora's been divorced for nine years now and during that time she has dated. Her youngest is now 15 and is just now beginning to be OK with the idea of her mother dating. So up until now Lora's arranged her dating around her parenting time - I haven't dated since my divorce … [Read more...]
Finding Love Unexpectedly After Divorce
They say love happens when you're least expecting it and that's what happened to Lauren. Just to refresh your memory, Lauren has been divorced now for two years. She was with her husband for ten years (married for five) and together they have a four-year-old son. I read on Lauren's blog, My Life Incomplete, that she had a boyfriend - she described him as "the one." I … [Read more...]
What Does Marriage Mean After Divorce?
With 75 percent of all divorced people remarrying, and half of them within three years of their divorce, I think it's pretty safe to say that the divorce experience doesn't stop people from getting hitched again. That probably reflects our fundamental (biological?) need as humans to be social but what these statistics don't tell us, is how people's expectations of marriage … [Read more...]
Storm Clouds Over The Future After Divorce
If you follow me on my Facebook fan page or twitter (@sincemydivorce), you'll know I've been away the last few days at Blissdom - a wonderful blogging conference in Nashville, Tennessee. I'll be posting about what I learned there probably Wednesday this week and you'll start see some changes to the blog in the week or so. Before then, I want to finish up the Leap and the … [Read more...]
Is Your Spouse Your Friend?
In a World of Discoveries, Heather-Marie shared her realization that you're never really alone unless you choose to be. That, however, wasn't her biggest takeaway from her divorce. No, that would be the importance of being friends with your spouse. Here's Heather-Marie: *** I met my husband, who was five years older than me, when I was 15 years old and we started dating when … [Read more...]