Just after I wrote about ways to avoid a bad date, I got Debbi Dickinson's latest newsletter in which she also embraces the value of coffee dates for those first few meetings. Even more interesting, she also maintains that old-fashioned dating rules still apply in today's high-tech world on online dating. Here's Debbie: I have women ask me about dating etiquette. … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Avoid a Bad Date
I'm an avid NPR listener. I love Morning Edition and I look forward to the short humor feature they do at the half-hour. Just recently they featured a new mobile phone app from eHarmony.com: Bad Date Rescue. It's easy to guess what the app does from the name: in a nutshell you can set it up to call or message you while you're on a date and then you can make your excuses and … [Read more...]
What We Bought A Zoo Teaches About Dating
Over the winter break, my kids and I went to the movies together. It's not something that happens very often these days - the movie tastes of a 19 year-old girl and a 16 year-old boy are vastly different but this time, amazingly there was one movie they could both agree on seeing - We Bought a Zoo with Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson. Rated PG, I thought it would be fun, … [Read more...]
Online Dating: The Importance of Profile Photos
I've shared before how overwhelmed I felt with eHarmony and that my dating coach had helped me figure out an online dating strategy that would work for me. I really have been looking at my matches and trying to think only in terms of 'could he be my next date' rather than 'is he Mr. Right' but I have to say, the photos are often a stumbling block. So I'm wondering how much … [Read more...]
Talking to Your Children About Dating
When I'm posting someone's series I don't usually like to interrupt the flow with posts on other topics or guest posts. The disadvantage with this is that sometimes there are posts I have to hold off writing and right now I have several dating advice related posts I want to share. So first up: First Date Follow Up After my first first date didn't call me, several of my … [Read more...]