Dating after divorce is scary - it takes courage to open yourself up and to be vulnerable. It takes courage to accept the possibility that you will again experience heartbreak. But there's no getting around it, if you want to find a partner, find your true love, then you have to be courageous. My present guest Elizabeth was in her early sixties when she got divorced. Who … [Read more...]
Ready To Date
When it comes to dating after divorce, people often want to know when's the right time to start. My response is, "Whenever you feel ready," and when you're ready you'll know. There's little point in pinning the start of dating to an event such as the date you separated or the date your divorce was final. These events mean different things to different people because the … [Read more...]
Waiting to Date After Divorce
Based on my own experience, dating after divorce is about time and timing. When it's right for you, you'll know. While my guest Debbi Dickinson recommends her clients wait a year before dating after divorce, I've interviewed people who have started dating sooner than that and found that dating was part of their healing process. My present guest, RMJ has been divorced for … [Read more...]
Why You Should Wait A Year To Date After Divorce
Sooner or later most people start dating again and they often ask if they should wait a year to date after their divorce. I knew that Debbi was in a relationship so I asked her to talk about her experience with dating after divorce. Here's Debbi: I’m not married. I’m dating a wonderful gentleman. We’ve been dating for two years now and it’s wonderful to have a man in my life … [Read more...]
Falling In Love After Divorce
I'm wrapping up Two Kids And A Fish's story and I had to save this segment to last because it's a Cindrella ending. The more interviews I've done, the more I tell myself how important it is not to buy into cultural or societal expectations or fairy tales—am I getting cynical or being realist? But, I'm always hoping for a happy ending especially after a difficult, traumatic … [Read more...]