Have you ever noticed a pang in your stomach when you’re getting rid of anything related to your wedding memories? Curious about why the idea of selling your wedding ring after a divorce is so scary?
Let’s clear out the cobwebs and figure out why you’re feeling stuck. What’s so frightening about selling your wedding rings, you ask? Well, we understand how you feel and may have a few ideas.
Let’s clear out the cobwebs and figure out why you’re feeling stuck. What’s so frightening about selling your wedding rings?
Selling Wedding Rings Means Letting Go
Divorce is a whole process of letting go – of your spouse, your sense of “normal” and possibly half of your belongings. If you think of your marriage as a season, it makes things a little easier. Like seasons, change is in the air. Can you embrace it?
If you’re equating selling your wedding rings with letting go of your dreams, of course you’ll be scared. Remember that divorce means your old dreams are not serving you anymore. It’s time to create new dreams and grab hold of a new life that is waiting for you.
What About Reconciliation?
You may be feeling that if you hold onto your rings, there’s a chance you might reconcile with your ex.
Now is the time to take stock of your divorce. If you are separated and no one is taking steps toward a divorce, then reconciliation may still be possible.
Or it may be time to take stock of your marriage. Weigh the good times against the bad times. Decide if you’re willing to put in the effort to make things better. Determine if your spouse is willing to do the same. Don’t reconcile to what was if that situation wasn’t working. Are you holding on because you’re afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone?
Wedding Rings Are My Treasure
Perhaps your wedding ring is the most beautiful and valuable piece of jewelry you own. If that is the case, you will definitely feel strongly about keeping your rings. Get diamonds re-set into jewelry that works for you, giving them a new life. By doing that, your ring becomes a metaphor for everything good that you’re taking from your marriage into this next phase.
Step Into Your Future with Extra Cash
Whatever your reasons for hesitation, you can move forward when you’re ready and earn some extra cash along the way.
We’ve found that the best place to sell a wedding ring after divorce is at a Worthy auction. They do all of the work for you to find qualified buyers and get you the best price for your rings. Selling your wedding rings doesn’t have to be scary – especially if you want to pay off some bills or start your holiday shopping.
Dive deep into your reasons for holding on to your wedding rings. Then look ahead to the future that you want for yourself.
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Photo by Nicole Edelbrock on Unsplash